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RMA Study Group Music and/as Process

Posted: October 23rd, 2023 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | No Comments »

Call for Proposals 2024
University of Glasgow
Friday 28th – Sunday 30th June, 2024

The RMA Study Group Music and/as Process is pleased to announce the Call for Proposals as part of their eleventh annual conference, which will take place at the University of Glasgow on Friday 28th to Sunday 30th June, 2024.

The conference will address the theme of music and sonic arts processes in relation to environment, space and place.

We invite proposals which focus on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Local environment / Global environment
  • Location: historical and cultural perspectives
  • Acousmatic and soundscape composition
  • Ecological approaches and processes (community, environment, etc.)
  • Field recording, processes and practices
  • Soundwalks
  • Process and/as response to climate crisis
  • Sonification of environmental data
  • Speculative futures (eg. Afrofuturism)
  • Natural spaces: animal recordings, cosmic recordings (pulsars, etc.)

The Study Group invites proposal submissions in the following categories:

  • 20 minute papers (with a further 10 mins Q&A).
  • Pieces for concert performance
  • Pieces for presentation and discussion
  • 45 minute participatory workshops
  • Installations
  • Soundwalks

All submissions must be submitted as PDFs, and include:

  • Details of which category the submission is to be considered for.
  • A short abstract / description (250-300 words).
  • A short biography (100 words).
  • An email contact.
  • Where relevant, documentation such as scores and permalinks to audio / video.
  • Where relevant, information such as instrumentation, performance space requirements, and technological and set-up logistics.

Please send submissions to: [email protected]

Deadline for submissions: Friday 12th January, 2024 at 23:59 (UTC).

We will acknowledge receipt of submissions within seven days. If you do not receive acknowledgement of your submission, please resubmit it, or contact us via social media:

The Study Group aims to communicate its decision for all submissions the week commencing 12th February, 2024.

The RMA Study Group Music and/as Process aims to bring together academics, researchers, practitioners and students in the UK and further afield working on issues related to and arising from definitions of process in music. Although the term ‘process’ can be understood quite broadly, the Study Group particularly aims to address music in which processes are audible, perceptible, or otherwise concurrent with the music during its realization and / or performance.

RMA Study Group Music and/as Process 2024 committee:

– Dr Steve Gisby (Independent composer/researcher)
– Dr John Hails (Edinburgh Napier University)
– Dr Kevin Leomo (University of Glasgow)
– Dr Emma Lloyd (Independent composer/researcher)
– Dr Sophie Stone  (Independent artist/researcher)
– Maureen Wolloshin (University for the Creative Arts)
– Hazal Elif Yalvaç (Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Anglia Ruskin University, Independent artist)
– Dr Alistair Zaldua (Independent composer/researcher)

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