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Dialogues — International Music Research Conference

Posted: December 8th, 2022 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | No Comments »

May 17 to May 21, 2023
Laval University (Québec)
Deadline: January 20, 2023

The academic year 2022-2023 marks the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Music at Université Laval. For the occasion, the faculty is organizing the Dialogues Conference, which will be held from May 17 to 21, 2023 at Université Laval, located in Quebec City. The conference, hybrid format, will host the principal Canadian research societies in music, teaching and music creation, as well as an international partner:

Canadian Association of Music Libraries (CAML)
International Association for the Study of Popular Music Canada (IASPM-Canada)
Journées internationales de pédagogie instrumentale et vocale (JIRPP)
Observatoire interdisciplinaire de création et de recherche en musique, Université Laval (OICRM-ULaval)
Réseau canadien pour la santé et le bien-être des musiciens (RCSBM)
Canadian Society for Traditional Music (CSTM)
Canadian University Music Society (MusCan)
Société québécoise de recherche en musique (SQRM)

Focused on the theme, Dialogues, the conference invites participants to reflect together about the next century in research, teaching, music creation and composition.
While researchers, creators, students, and music practitioners are welcome to present on any aspect of their work, the conference especially welcomes presentations with a focus on three main objectives:

  • To promote equity, diversity and inclusion, via an interdisciplinary, interuniversity, transregional, intermilieu and transcultural dialogue.
  • To think collectively about the topics of equity, diversity and inclusion and their impact on the production, mobilization and application of new music knowledge.
  • To contribute to the accessibility of scientific music production by creating meeting spaces for discussion and by bringing various people and domains together (research, education, artistic practice, creation and composition, general public).

In preparation for the conference, which will take place in-person and online, we invite the members of IASPM to present scientific communications, panels, poster presentations, workshops, roundtables, compositions, lecture-recitals or mini-concerts to the scientific committee. The Dialogues Conference will oversee the organization of many different plenary activities including the keynote conference, roundtables and musical events.

Ways to submit a proposition:

The proposals must be submitted online to the Dialogues Conference’s website by January 20, 2023 (https://event.fourwaves.com/100dialogues/pages). The presenter must select their association and the right type of proposal from the ones listed below. The decision of the scientific committee will be announced on March 6, 2023. People whose proposals are selected must be members of their association before April 17, 2023.


Presentations should be 20 minutes long followed by a 10-minute question period. To submit a presentation proposal, please complete the following sections:

  • Title
  • Summary (300 words)
  • Short version of the summary (150 words)
  • List of 5 keywords
  • Biography (150 words)
  • Title of the associated panel (if applicable)

Poster presentations:

Only the printed version of the posters will be presented. The poster sessions will be 90 minutes long and combine multiple presentations simultaneously for an audience. There is no additional audiovisual equipment provided (ex. screen or projector). Technical specifications for the poster (size, format, resolution), will be provided when the proposal is accepted. To submit a poster, please complete the following sections:

  • Title
  • Summary (300 words)
  • Short version of the summary (150 words)
  • List of 5 keywords
  • Biography (150 mots)


Panels combine three to six 20-minute presentations followed by a 10-minute question and discussion session. To submit a panel, please complete the following sections:

  • Title
  • Summary or general description of the session (300 words)
  • Short version of the description (150 words)
  • List of 5 keywords
  • Biography of the person that will chair the session (150 words)
  • Presentations must be submitted separately by their author, in accordance with the requirements established in the paragraph “Presentations” above.


Roundtables last 60 to 90 minutes, are organized by one or many persons around a main theme and bring together many participants from diverse environments. To organize a roundtable, please complete the following sections:

  • Title
  • Summary or description of the subject and the activities, including a list of all participants and the nature
    of their presentations (300 words)
  • Short version of the description (150 mots)
  • List of 5 keywords
  • Biography of the person that will chair the roundtable (150 words)
  • Biography for each presenter (150 words)


Workshops last 60, 90 or 120 minutes and are carried out with a group of +/- 25 people. To submit a workshop, please complete the following sections:

  • Title
  • Summary or description of the objectives, the method, the target audience and the duration of the workshop (300 words)
  • Short version of the description (150 mots)
  • List of 5 keywords
  • Biography of the workshop facilitator (150 words)

Composition competition:
To read the instructions, consult the call for scores available on the homepage of the Dialogues Conference’s website and on the MusCan Website.

Conference registration:
The scientific committee will announce the results on March 6, 2023. The persons whose proposals are selected must be members of their association and register for the conference through the Dialogues Conference’s website by April 17, 2023. The preliminary program will be announced on April 17, 2023.

Follow our news on our Facebook and Instagram pages, 100e FaMUL, and subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss any events related to the 100th anniversary of the faculty and the conference:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100eFaMUL
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/100efamul
Newsletter: To subscribe, contact [email protected]

Organizing committee:
Sandria P. Bouliane (ULaval)
Jean-Philippe Després (ULaval)
Valerie Peters (ULaval)
François Rioux (ULaval)
Aaron Liu-Rosenbaum (ULaval)
Ariane Couture (USherbrooke)
Julia Byl (UAlberta)
Assistant coordinators: Sara Martelo and Laurence Beaulieu (ULaval)

Members of the scientific committee:
The scientific committee is made up of members of the Conference organizing committee and members representing each participant association.
CAML, Gavin Goodwin and Maureen Nevins
IASPM-Canada, Heather Sparling, Martin Lussier
JIRPP, Jean-Philippe Després, Isabelle Héroux
OICRM-ULaval, Sophie Stévance
RCSBM, Christine Guptill, Julie Ferland-Gagnon, Ursula Stuber
CSTM, Julia Byl, Jessica Roda
MusCan, Jon-Tomas Godin, Ariane Couture
SQRM, Méi-Ra Saint-Laurent, Sandria P. Bouliane

Composition competition organizing committee:
François Rioux (ULaval)
Aaron Liu-Rosenbaum (ULaval)
Pierre-Olivier Roy (ULaval)
Rafael Zaldivar (ULaval)
Richard Paré (ULaval)
Assistant coordinator : Laurence Beaulieu (ULaval)

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